inspiring toys for a

magical childhood

We have thousands of amazing toys!

Let us help you narrow it down.

Shop by Category

 building blocks, games, puzzles & way more!

Shop by Age

 building blocks, games, puzzles & way more!

Shop by Theme

 building blocks, games, puzzles & way more!

Shop by Wooden Toys

 building blocks, games, puzzles & way more!



Wood toys are lovely for the eyes, ears, and hands and promote genuine creativity and long lasting play. We carry the largest collection of quality wooden toys in Canada. Many of our wood toys are made in small batches by thoughtful, independent companies all around the world. Each piece is carefully sanded, then oiled, stained, or painted, and tested with incredibly high standards. Truly timeless, wooden toys make fantastic heirlooms to be passed on from one generation to the next.

This font is playfair display. It goes well with quicksand, railway and lato. It works best at larger sizes


This is playfair display at a smaller size



This is quicksand. It looks nice too and compliments playfair display.



Wood toys are lovely for the eyes, ears, and hands and promote genuine creativity and long lasting play. We carry the largest collection of quality wooden toys in Canada. Many of our wood toys are made in small batches by thoughtful, independent companies all around the world. Each piece is carefully sanded, then oiled, stained, or painted, and tested with incredibly high standards. Truly timeless, wooden toys make fantastic heirlooms to be passed on from one generation to the next.

So Many Toys! Let us help you narrow it down.

Shop by Toy Theme - dinosaurs, fairies, space and much more!

Shop by Toy Category - building blocks, games, puzzles and way more!

Shop by Age - from newbies to adults, we've got you covered