Dolls and Accessories for Baby
Dolls and Accessories for Baby
<meta charset="utf-8"><span data-mce-fragment="1">Dolls inspire imaginative play that boosts emotional intelligence. Your baby will first use dolls for comfort and to explore textures and practice those important grasping and holding skills. As your baby gets older, they will test-drive their own emotions by consoling an upset "baby" or comforting an "injured" ballerina.</span>
<meta charset="utf-8"><span data-mce-fragment="1">Dolls inspire imaginative play that boosts emotional intelligence. Your baby will first use dolls for comfort and to explore textures and practice those important grasping and holding skills. As your baby gets older, they will test-drive their own emotions by consoling an upset "baby" or comforting an "injured" ballerina.</span>
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