Blankets for 1 Year Olds

Blankets for 1 Year Olds

<p>A good baby blanket ends up serving a million uses, from nap-time necessity, to shade cover, to burp-cleaner-upper, to impromptu play tent. Wrap your baby in a blanket for a cosy cuddle and stimulate all those feel-good hormones and endorphins that help with growth, emotional regulation, and secure attachment (aka trust)!</p>

Blankets for 1 Year Olds

<p>A good baby blanket ends up serving a million uses, from nap-time necessity, to shade cover, to burp-cleaner-upper, to impromptu play tent. Wrap your baby in a blanket for a cosy cuddle and stimulate all those feel-good hormones and endorphins that help with growth, emotional regulation, and secure attachment (aka trust)!</p>